Sunday, May 5, 2024

The real causes of campus protest


Query, unrelatedWhat's with the banana memes I'm seeing lately? I don't get them. For example:

Update  Sheesh! Everybody wants to be Robespierre: "George Washington Students Hold 'People's Tribunal,' Call for Faculty's Deaths".

I'd like to think these idiots would all wind up like Jean-Paul Marat in his bathtub; however, I'm not at all sure they frequent bath tubs.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Absolutely obscene

"Joe Biden Gives Nancy Pelosi Presidential Medal of Freedom For Her Actions on January 6 Despite Her Role in Failed Security".

It has become almost impossible for me to watch these evil baboons and their never-ending grooming sessions. Let's watch something else, instead.

The chicken is headless, but it nonetheless manages to keep flopping around the yard

"Joe Biden, Dearborn Shahid, Commits Political Suicide via Hamas Appeasement".

I think the title of the article underestimates the stupidity of the average Democrat voter, and the howling frenzy of TDS sufferers, not to mention the defiant partisanship of the bureaucracy and the media, so I'm not sure I'd call it political suicide. But the Biden cabal's enabling of anti-Semitism in modern America should significantly damage this repugnant character's reelection chances - unless our nation is now utterly godforsaken, in which case pray for a miracle.

Illinois joins the Axis of Fail

"The most dysfunctional state in America? Soaring unemployment, sky-rocketing debt and punishing taxes send residents fleeing."

This is not actually news; Illinois has long been the Land(fill) of Lincoln, and practically the Mother of Political Corruption for almost a hundred years.